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The M. Leal is the official travel agency of XXXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Genética Médica and among our responsibilities is to provide a quality travel with the best prices. The daily rates below are special prices for the participants and must be applied only for reservations request by M. Leal.
- Centro de Convenções Frei Caneca – São Paulo/SP
- Daily fee of apartment in Reais (R$ - Brazilian currency), with breakfest, service fee (10%) and ISS tax (5%), when charged.
- Daily fees - based on standard category apartments
- Turism tax: not included in daily fee.
Make your reservation through the offical agency and use the following benefits:
- Ask for your reservation using our website www.mleal.com.br, speeding up your request confirmation.
- Exclusive attending post for congressmen and congresswomen, in the place of the event.